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Me, Me, Me, Me, Me...

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This is Martin's page - navigate off as you see fit :-)

List of new (hah!) stuff - since initial publication

15 September 2009

Some music-related ramblings

15th October 2007

The naturaldocs code I promised!

8th October 2007

Wow - new stuff!

A page about how I added SVG output to NaturalDocs

27th September 2006

Added more details of the revcounter (I found the PCB and schematic scans I did ages ago)

12th September 2006

Rewrote the entire site. And wrote new scripts to make it.

Updated the Wordsearch creator so that it works on newer (paranoid) versions of Office.

22nd November 2000

Added Wordsearch creator - I've been meaning to put this up here for ages, just got around to it.

15th October 2000

Added RSIMon - the world's first pain based 'take a break from wiggling the mouse around' tool!

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